Commercial license - Required for companies over 1 million USD gross revenue.
License covers all 4 mayor DBs and is annual (1, 2 or 4 years).
First month free for testing; Discount on longer period: 10% for 2 years, 20% for 4 y.
Pricing TIERS - depends on total number of developers in a company:
(Progressive model - proportional to the value client gets. Reseller discount 5%)
Only need an Invoice and Payment instruction? Click on tier or select on Form:
* Licensed under Dual License (cFOSS conditionallyFree OSS - permissive license type)
cF as a solution to OpenSource funding - middle ground between Free (of charge) and Free/Libre camps.
If you do not meet criteria for free usage with Community license then you have to buy commercial one.
If eligible for gratis version but still want to help development and have active support, consider purchasing Starter Lic.
Library does not collect any data and is completely self–contained, no external connections (Privacy Policy).
Take a look at our other .Net packages (most are fully free - MIT):
№ | Name | Description |
2 | EFCore UtilExtensions | EF Core Custom Annotations and AuditInfo |
3 | EFCore FluentApiToAnnotation | Converting FluentApi configuration to Annotations |
4 | FixedWidthParserWriter | Reading & Writing fixed-width/flat data files |
5 | CsCodeGenerator | C# code generation based on Classes and elements |
6 | CsCodeExample | Examples of C# code in form of a simple tutorial |
Frequently Asked Questions
What databases are supported?
Supported databases include: 1. SQLServer (or AzureSQL), 2. PostgreSQL, 3. MySQL, 4. SQLite
How to use Bulk operations with multiple tables?
Bulk methods to many tables is supported, with Insert(config SetOutput) to each table or with Graph or with SaveChanges.
More info with samples in Docs (segment: 'parent-child FK related tables') on Git page: ReadMe -
Can only certain columns be specified?
Yes, there are several configs for this, namely: PropertiesToInclude.
In addition if need to match (update by) not with PK but some custom column(s) then set UpdateByProperties -
When entity class not mapped is bulk still feasible?
Can be achieved by using CustomDestinationTableName from BulkConfig.
And in combination with CustomSourceTableName possible to do copy table to table. -
Which way can Table be partialy synced based on a condition?
There is a method SetSynchronizeFilter in BulkConfig that receives and sets expresion filter on entities to delete when using BulkInsertOrUpdateOrDelete (Synchronize).
Those that are filtered out will be ignored and not deleted.